
Richard Bolwell

Concert Photographer, UK

The main problem i was facing was the business side of concert photography. I was photographing shows, but what next? What do I do with my photos? Who do I contact to gain access to bigger shows? As a result of this training, I will be going on tour with a band to shoot their new album launch & tour. The course gave me the confidence to sell myself and come over as a professional photographer.

1. What did you think about concert photography BEFORE enrolling in Shooting The Rockstars?

Before enrolling in Shooting The Rockstars I was a little unsure if I was cut out for this game as I didn’t know how it all worked. I really enjoyed concert photography and wanted to pursue it as a career, I just didn’t know how.


2. What did you think about concert photography AFTER going through the training?

After completing the course, I felt much more confident about concert photography and felt I had all the tools and knowledge to really push forward and pursue my career. The detailed step by step course takes you through everything you need to know to become a rockstar photographer; not only shooting, but the business side of things too.


3. What big problem were you facing BEFORE Shooting The Rockstars? What from Shooting The Rockstars helped you solved that problem?

The main problem I was facing was not on the shooting side of things, but the business side of concert photography. I was photographing shows, but what next? What do I do with the photos? Who do I contact to gain access to bigger shows? The business module of Shooting the Rockstars taught me exactly that. From bands to managers, venues, agents, publicists, promoters and everyone else in the business, the course taught me who to approach and when. I am now confident in approaching these people with my requests and also I’m not put off or upset by rejection, it’s part of the game. If you don’t ask, you don’t get! The course armed me with the right tools & knowledge to ask the right things at the right time to the right people and it’s surprising how many ‘yeses’ I get now.


4. What specific results have you achieved as the result of this training?

As a result of this training I have made connections with bands, their managers and agents and have had my photographs used for promo purposes. As a results of this, later in the year I will be going on tour with a band to shoot their new album launch & tour. This probably wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for this course. The course gave me the confidence to sell myself and come over as a professional and most importantly, not to work for free. My business now earns money and I can see myself doing this for a very long time.


5. What would you tell another “new student” of Shooting The Rockstars? What words of advice would you have now that you’ve gone through the program?

To a new student of the course, I think the biggest piece of advice I could give is DO NOT work for free! Ok, you have got the right credentials, you’ve shot the show and the band wants to use the photos. Great! It’s exciting that they want to use your images and it’s so tempting to hand them over. It’s even more pleasing to see them in print especially if your name is credited. Stop! Take a moment, this is all well and good, but are you not running a business here? Value your work and don’t give it away, be prepared to say no. It’s hard to say no, but believe me you’ll be more valued as a professional and your work will be valued a lot more. Exposure doesn’t pay the bills.


Richard Bolwell