1. What did you think about concert photography BEFORE enrolling in Shooting The Rockstars?
I was already shooting gigs and getting published before i enrolled in Shooting The Rockstars. I was getting some good results, technically, but I already knew the difficulties of concert photography.
2. What did you think about concert photography AFTER going through the training?
Pretty similar, although i now know the problems weren't unique to me, and aren't going to go away. Instead i've learnt to accept and embrace the challenges - they are in fact the reason why concert photographers still add value.
3. What big problem were you facing BEFORE Shooting The Rockstars? What from Shooting The Rockstars helped you solved that problem?
I was unsure about the business side of things and having confidence in my own abilities. The course helped me realise that I have as much right as anyone else to shoot a concert and i just need to get out there and sell myself!
I was also initially thinking there must be some hidden pot of money i needed to tap in to so i could make a living from being a concert photographer. The reality is that doesn't exist, so rather than thinking i was failing/missing something obvious, i've been able to concentrate on getting great images. If money follows directly from that (and i don't expect much will), then that's a bonus! Giving away 'free' watermarked shots for use on social media builds relationships and means you're front of mind when the paid work comes along!
4. What specific results have you achieved as the result of this training?
I was brave enough to make contact with the promoter for the Lulu and Leo Sayer tour which i shot as a freelance photographerI've started allowing use of a selection of low resolution images for social media, which has lead to a few sales to bands of higher resolution unwatermarked images. I've felt more confident on the bands i've shot that i should be there - rather than a nagging feeling i wasn't good enough and should leave it to the professionals. I've joined a great community of international photographers and in the process met some more local photographers who have shared local knowledge and work opportunities
5. What would you tell another “new student” of Shooting The Rockstars? What words of advice would you have now that you’ve gone through the program?
Just sign up and get learning! The online nature of the videos means you can work through the course in your own time, fitting it around your own schedule. All the videos are very practical and can be revisited if you need a refresher. You'll also get access to a great community of people via the very active Facebook group (which is one of the friendliest Facebook groups i know). Matthias gave me a healthy reality check - i'm now more confident in my own abilities, I try to be polite to everyone i meet and push myself forward (sometimes quite literally when i'm in the venue)!
Dave Simpson